Archive for lady gaga

Is Gaga a Feminist? (Shouldn’t matter)

Posted in girls with tags , on June 23, 2010 by Anoush


I will continue to have these opinions for the rest of my life for obvious reasons, but since they’re all on my mind right now, why not:

So, we’re still scratching our heads deciding who’s a feminist and who’s not and, you know what? It’s just embarrassing after a while. The fact that we still have to define the whole thing is doing exactly what feminism is trying to work against. Let’s fix that, ok?

And I’m reminded of how I hear women say things like, “Ohhhh I’m not a feminist or anything” as if they’re saying “Ohhh don’t worry I’m not gonna beat the crap outta ya and remind you repeatedly that I’m right all the time.” <- Misconception #1.

Every woman is a feminist and I know this because they're women. Unless something's really wrong up there, every woman is a feminist in some shape or form. And each version of feminist is different – largely because women are people and people's views of things usually differ from time to time. It's, ya know, the good old, mom-and-pop "being a person" thing. All you have to do is wake up every morning, do good, respect yourself, and constantly believe in moving forward. And, there, you're a feminist – aka a person.

Stop defining all the time and just *BE.* GodDAMNit!